Whole Human Wellness
About Whole Human Wellness


I understand the frustration and despair that consumes your being when you do not feel comfortable inside your body. Add to that combination any of the many other life stressors that pop up and it’s SO easy to get pulled away from your power!

BUT, as someone who has failed 7 times and got back up 8, I am here to tell you that your innate (and fierce) power is still there inside of you. It’s simply waiting to be awoken!

I first learned this lesson at the age of 13 when puberty annihilated the body I knew and swapped it out for a completely foreign vessel. I felt uncomfortable and ashamed of my new physical self.

However, I didn’t stay there. Instead, I asked my Dad to drive me to the only gym in a 20 mile radius, sign a consent form, and act as my chauffeur, just so that I could work out.

I had NO IDEA what I was doing in there, but I was also young enough not to care. Through pure curiosity, exploration, and play it just so happened that I found my power at Olympus Gym in Butler, New Jersey!

When I discovered my strength and accessed my power, not only did I change my body, I also changed the course of my entire life.

The first time I picked up a dumbbell was 25 years ago.

TODAY, I'm still impressed by and grateful for Baby Erica.

The courage it took her to take the reins of her life into her own hands, set off on an adventure into the unknown, and simply TRY something new is mind blowing to me!

Dear Incredible Human, it is totally OK to struggle. It is part of the full life experience. Sometimes despite all our best efforts to feel happy, enriched, and in control of our life things can still feel off.

It is my goal as your Coach to show you the power you possess, a fire that is waiting to be accessed, not only within your physical self, but your WHOLE Human Self.

Truth be told my interest in the human experience was never limited to the physical body. Psychology, if I am to be really REAL, was my first fascination. My imagination’s first love.

I have vivid memories of visiting the library as a child and using my shiny, laminated, and beautiful library card to borrow books from the true crime section while my friends were reading The BoxCar Children. I was eleven.

It left some adults concerned and questioning, but also solidified my curiosity for the ways in which our mental makeup influence our behavior. A lot of times for the good and sometimes, as in the case with Ted Bundy, for the bad!

Searching for answers to WHY humans do the things they do became an intellectual pursuit that drove much of my early life and ultimately resulted in the achievement of a Masters degree in Psychology.

In 2003 while studying for my degrees a friend planted the idea of becoming a trainer in my head. She happened across a job advertisement for Bally’s Total Fitness and knowing my story thought I should put my love and passion for movement to “work”.

After interviewing for the position I was hired and made the commitment to earn my certification within 6 months time. Well, I SET TO IT! After waiting tables to earn some extra cash I felt like I was finally doing something where I was of use to another human being.

I still remember one of my very first clients, whose husband sent me a hand written thank you letter for helping his wife be healthy again. First and foremost the weight loss improved an existing neurological condition, but movement also helped her feel confident and IN CONTROL of her own body again!


It was here I began to learn Humans, and therefore our health and wellness, DO NOT exist on one axis. Rather true health is one of integration and multi-dimensionality. This is the number #1 reason why workouts will never make you happier!

It goes so much deeper than that! If it were that simple, so many people would not struggle in the ways they do.

Instead of using a training paradigm that is limited to your physical self, I utilize the intersection of movement and psychology to help you make shifts that are long lasting and longevity promoting.

There is no more room in your life for quick fixes that fizzle out fast and leave you feeling as though you failed.

Just like my story, yours is one filled with raw emotion, valid experiences, and creative blends of success and struggle. That incredible journey that has led you RIGHT HERE!

Exactly where you are meant to be.

As your coach, I respect and honor your path.

Meeting you where you are with solutions and strategies that are curated specifically for your needs and providing a safe space for you to push and test your boundaries.

Life can get crazy….. It’s been a wild ride for me too! I know what it is like to not have the answers, to feel lost. Stuck and questioning your worth. I am certainly not perfect and have struggled my fair share with depression, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy.

I diverted from “the plan” of being a psychologist and opened up my own fitness studio instead. I worked for myself and struggled. Burnt myself out even. I asked myself what if I just stuck to the plan? Would that have been easier? I’d certainly have a bigger 401K if I had followed all the “rules”.


There’s no adventure in that! There would have been no struggle and no lesson no incredible f*cking growth if I had chosen the path MORE traveled. I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to REALLY test myself.

And, I certainly would not be right here. With you. Going deep on all the dark and light beauty life bestows upon us.

I’ve recently stopped asking why I diverted and have started being grateful for the imperfection. The twists and turns. The sights you don’t quite see coming but blow your heart wide open. You certainly don’t need a perfect coach who was born with it all figured out. You need someone who has turned misfortune into their message yelling THIS IS THE PLAN! ISN’T IT BRILLIANT!

And I’m dying to show you how to do the same!

About Erica


  • Masters Forensic Psychology (2009)
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer (2003)
  • NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist (2014)
  • NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (2015)
  • American Red Cross CPR / AED / First Aid (2003-2019)
  • Trauma Informed Coaching Certification (2018)
  • GGS Pre-Post Natal Certification (2019)

Unique Experience

  • Girls on the Run Coach (2011-2014)
  • NYU Lead Interventionist for Health Enhancement Program Research Study (2017-2019)**
** researching the cognitive effects of physical activity and functional movement in survivors of breast cancer