Whole Human Wellness

Helping you go from feeling


no matter where in the world you are

Hi! I’m Erica!

I’m a personal trainer with over 20 years of experience and in January I FINALLY got back into a routine after falling off for almost a year.  Yup, you read that right…. a personal trainer not working out for an ENTIRE YEAR… here’s why this matters to you…

Last year, I experienced a lot of personal loss, and for lack of a better explanation… I simply stopped caring. I no longer had the capacity to take care of myself like I usually do.

I got lazy for one of the first times in my life.

(All the while still preaching movement to my clients.)


I woke up one day and KNEW that something had to change for my mental and physical health. I didn’t recognize myself and knew I needed to start showing up for ME, so that I could really be all in for YOU!


So… I started moving my body again.

20-minute workouts.

I set the bar low yet FEASIBLE, and made it happen every single day.

I cooked again, moved my body again, got into a consistent routine, and began to uncover the old me.

Why does this matter to you?

I know how hard it can be to make a change when that change feels like climbing Mount Everest.

Subtle yet significant changes are exactly what I’ve helped dozens of my clients with.

I am obsessed with helping my clients get out of a place of feeling stuck and stagnant to strong and self-sufficient, and this is exactly what I know I was put on this earth to do.

You’re looking for more than a one-off studio workout.

You want a Coach.

Someone who is with you every step of the way. Supporting you by co-creating a schedule so you know WHEN to workout without second guessing anything.

Someone who will not only be your personal trainer LIVE but also map out WHAT to do for the workouts on those other days of the week (and ensure that you do them 😉 )

If you’re ready to get off the couch and re-discover yourself… keep reading…

Does This Sound Like You?

  • You wake up in the morning and immediately feel the dread of having to  get dressed because your clothes are fitting tighter and ‘differently’ than they used to last summer, making you feel less confident
  • Simple tasks like walking up stairs, chasing your kids or the ‘usual’ workout you do feel WAY harder than they did, and its making you feel insecure and quite simply…gross
  • Once you finally find that outfit that fits, you’re struggling to feel even a little bit confident in it, leaving you feeling defeated, overwhelmed and not knowing WTF to do. *insert canceling your plans*
  • You used to workout and LOVE moving your body, yet recently you’ve put that on the backburner (job, family, boredom, not knowing what to do) and you feel so far behind, you don’t know how to restart…
  • You miss the consistency of having a workout routine you love because you know that it is the kickstart to feeling more confident in your clothes, eating better and sleeping better- yet you’re unsure where or how to get it going again
  • You *may* have worked with a trainer before and found it was the one time in your life where you stuck with your workouts and looked forward to getting stronger everyday…*YES to accountability*
  • You are ready to get STRONG again. Not just while you are at the gym, (although adding a few reps to your current pushup count IS on the wishlist!) But, also in your daily life. You want to carry your groceries up your 4th floor walk up and not be so damn out of breath!
  • You want a strong body so that you can live a long and physically independent life — one that is resilient in your work, your relationships, and in the moments when shit hits the fan, you KNOW you will be in control with the mental confidence you’ve gained through your workouts!
  • You’ve just been feeling stuck lately and not yourself. Plopping on the couch after a long day has become routine, when it used to be a workout, run or hanging with a friend. You’re missing YOU.
  • You’ve committed to other programs before and haven’t been successful because there wasn’t enough support/accountability so You fell through the cracks and didn’t get the support or results you were looking for.  (that’s not happening when you choose to work with me!)

How it's Going

How it Could Be!

After Working With me, You Will:

  • Wake up and no longer dread putting on clothes — in fact, you’ll actually enjoy getting dressed because your clothes make you feel comfortable and sexy for the first time in… a long time!
  • You’ve developed a consistent habit of moving your body, so much so that you actually LOOK FORWARD to moving as a way to release stress from your day and feed your soul.
  • Your favorite movements (squats, push ups, deadlifts) have gotten strong AF and you no longer lose your breath climbing stairs.
  • You feel strong in your LIFE. No longer quick to anger and work and relationship stresses don’t affect you like they used to!
  • You’ve realized that when you take control of your health, your entire body is regulated, making you feel WAY less stressed and cortisol levels are down (helllloooo less bloating, too!) 
  • You are supported, like REALLY supported. You know your Coach is someone you can hit up when you’ve had a rough workout or your day has been sh&T and you need a little pep talk to get you through (’cause we’re communicating WHENEVER you need through a messaging app) 
  • You no longer skip days because you aren’t feeling your best, instead… you now know how to modify and workaround those with workouts that respect where your body is at.  *yoga, mobility, long walks, personalized strength training…yes pls!* 
  • You no longer view movement as an all or nothing… you realize there are TONS of fabulous gray areas in between which you can show up in and be successful.

Sooo you’re not ready to invest in your own health?! 

If you’re planning on being comfortable with where you’re at and the couch is too good to give up, as are the relationships you have and… LIFE… then you may not be a fit for virtual personal training.

But if you Are… Here’s how it works:

  • One LIVE 60-minute workout with me each week
  • Two customized strength training workouts for you to complete on your own, tailored for your equipment, goals, and life
  • One 60-minute goal-setting / assessment session to kick off our time together. We’ll discuss expectations, your exercise/health history, goals, and how we’ll get there
  • Access to my personal library of full-length ‘follow along’ recovery workouts (mobility, foam rolling, stretching) for your ‘off’ days
  • Voxer access (messaging app!) to me 24/5 to discuss form, questions you have, motivation on those hard days… I believe in being your coach in LIFE as well as the gym!

I see you going to those packed studio classes 3 times a week, paying AT LEAST 500 a month to be 1 of 20 people in a class and not getting NEARLY as much coaching, attention, and support as this program will bring into your life.

Get the 1:1 attention you need!

Together we’ll create a personalized, custom program that fits your lifestyle, your needs, and your goals.



1:1 Virtual Coaching

$500 per month



1:1 Virtual Coaching

$466 per month

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions? Great! I’ve got answers! Here are some of the most frequently asked questions I get about this virtual personal training program.

What happens if I am traveling? I still want to workout, is that possible?

If you are a traveling human this program was made specifically for YOU! No matter where you are in the world, if you can catch a wifi signal you can make your workout happen. I will program both your DIY and LIVE workouts with your nomadic lifestyle in mind so you do not have to be in your home to make it happen!

What happens if I miss a LIVE workout?

You get ONE live session with me per week. If you have to miss a week you can roll that session over to the next week, meeting twice. However, after your 12 or 24 week program has ended LIVE sessions will no longer bellowed to be made up.

Do I have to have access to a gym or fancy equipment?

NO! This program is 100% fully customized to YOU. That means whatever you have access to, whether its a heavy rock or fancy hip thrust machine, we will make use of. You do not need anything special or additional to be successful in this program.

Do I have to be at a certain fitness level to join?

NO! Whether you have been working out your whole life or this is your first go at it, I want to help you feel good moving. No matter your jump off point we can make movement accessible to your current  fitness level and goals

I’ve never invested this kind of money in myself before and I’m kind of nervous about it. Do you have payment plans?

YES! I get it. Investing in yourself can be a big jump. I want you to feel good about it not just physically and emotionally, but financially too! Both the 12 and 24 week program can be paid in installments if that is easier on your wallet.